Science · Peace · Security ’19
Scientific discoveries and technological innovations have always exerted a great influence on peace and security. New civil and military technologies are revolutionizing warfare. Particularly striking areas are cyber warfare and the rapid development of unmanned weapons systems. Issues of nuclear disarmament, missile defense or space armament as well as chemical and biological weapons are again becoming more urgent. Furthermore, frequent use of chemical weapons may lead to erosion of trust in arms control treaties.
The conference SCIENCE · PEACE · SECURITY ’19 aimed for an accurate understanding and fruitful discussions of today’s and tomorrow’s peace and security challenges. This includes scientific-technical as well as interdisciplinary contributions, focusing on problems of international security and peacebuilding as well as contributions dedicated to transparency, trust-building, arms control, disarmament, and conflict management.
We invited researchers and practitioners to contribute to this conference, which will prospectively be published in the form of conference proceedings and special journal issues. Taking the 30-years tradition of IANUS at the TU Darmstadt into account, the conference aimed at connecting experts across the disciplines to discuss the urgent challenges for global peace and security.
We were happy to see you in DARMSTADT at SCIENCE · PEACE · SECURITY ’19